
Love of Self

What if you choose to live a life of love, first and foremost of yourself?
Or is that selfish to love yourself, particularly loving yourself first?
Is that what you are taught in a world wrapped in religious consciousness — that loving yourself is selfish?
What if truly loving yourself is not disconnected from loving another?
What if the more you give to yourself, the more you can give to others?
Could that be how an abundance of love is generated? For if you were full of love, would you not then share it?
Whom do you have the greatest impact on in this world?
Is that indeed yourself?
Could you be the best place to start with giving and receiving love?
What if your relationship to yourself shapes your relationship to others?
What if you were to love yourself so much, you overflowed with love and happiness?
Could that then open the door for your relationships to overflow with love and happiness?
Is it okay to love yourself without needing permission?
What if you did not need permission from anyone, including god, to love yourself?
Could it even be time to live a life of love regardless of right and wrong?
What if right and wrong are man-made concepts to judge and separate from one other?
What if there is only love and not love?
What will you then choose? 
Will you choose love?
Or will you choose not to love?
What foundational choice will you make in each moment?
For perhaps as you choose love, first and foremost of yourself, the door is then opened to love others, and your relationships will be one of peace.
– Matthew Dean

Learn what ye need to learn

Learn what ye need to learn. Don’t rush the experience. To rush is to skip over. To skip over is not to learn. To not learn is to come back around to learn what ye missed learning.
Know this and know this well: This world is not meant for anyone, but it is meant to be. It is an opportunity, a step back towards one’s beingness. Take this opportunity in joy and the journey shall be joyful, which is the destination.
Embrace the journey. Gather your like-minded journeyman. But become the light that can stand alone in the darkness when needed, and sometimes it is needed. But know you are never alone. For as the light burns within you, all light burns in the universe there too. There is no separation. You are the light of the universe. You are here to be a shining light for the universe within all. Everyone is in truth, because we are all the universe. Embrace the universe within you, the light that exists within you all.
This is the time for freedom. This is the time to burst forth in the musical joy of being alive in a state of happiness. This is available onto you. Doubt it not. Deny it not. Embrace your heritage; what has existed within you since birth and has always existed within the spark of humanity. 
Do not get caught up in the world mind that falls around you, repeating the sentences and sentiments of those around them. They are but shadows lost in the darkness. Let your light free their shadows around their soul. Let your light shine in to remind them of their lightness. This is why you are here. This is what you are doing — Coming forth to remind ones of the light within. Be the light. As you become more of the light that you know exists within you, that you already are, that you are expressing in this very moment, you will ignite the spark in your heart and automatically ignite the spark in all around you.
Be not afraid of the dark, for the dark has no power over you. You are the light of the universe. You are the universe and you are an individual soul connected to all the universe. You know this. We are simply here to remind you of it. Remember your nature, your innate beingness. You’ve had glimpses of it in your conscious awareness and memory. Remember these times well. This is your base state. Your natural way of beingness.
Do not forget your inner nature, your inner being, which is true balance and tranquility. This depression and anxiety and anger are not your nature. They are not your way. They are the way of the animal within you, not the soul throughout you. Remember this. Remember who you are. You are one with all that is. You are not the world consciousness that seeks to penetrate in and take control of your mind.
You are here on a journey. A journey to bring truth into the consciousness of others and to remember the consciousness within you.
Simply know that you are more than you yet know. Ye will come into this more as ye allow it. Allow it. It will bring ye great joy on your path of awakening.
– Matthew Dean
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